""Live with intention. Walk to the edge. Listen hard. Practice wellness. Play with abandon. Laugh. Choose with no regret. Continue to learn. Appreciate your friends. Do what you love. Live as if this is all there is.""
Author: Mary Anne Roadacher-Hershey
Live out loud this week,
Isn't it amazing the talent we have here on AMR?!?!?!? AMR is the bestest in the westest!!!
These are all beautiful and thanks for sharing them.....Retirednrse
Those are some beautiful cards!!! I am loving everyone of them!!!
Wow, I love the quotation at the end of the post! And what's not to love about all the awesome cards you showcased today? Great job everyone!
So much talent over at AMR...all beautiful...I'm honored to be included in the group...
Beautiful cards!!!! The talent just amazes me every time I go looking around the gallery!!!
I also love the quotation....It's how we should all live...
Thats great that your showing MBer's creations.....I'm only saying that because you picked mine to add to the other beautiful creations... LOL JK I am beyond feeling honored to be placed amoung such talented people....Thank you, Stacey...
(Pattie's passion)
I Scrap So All Moments Are Remembered!!!
Wow, thanks so much for posting one of my cards for display here. How sweet. The red card that Junebug made is now at my house. lol She sent it to me recently and I LOVE it!!
Love to see you back at AMR more often now!
Great Quote!
Thanks for choosing one of my cards! I just figured out how to post in the gallery yesterday...
Fantastic cards.
stacey...thanks for picking one of my cards to showcase...i am honored & humbled to be picked and be among such a talented group of ladies...love the "showcases" that you are doing on your blog!...have i mentioned lately how GREAT you are?....;)
angie (craftyscrapr)
Amazing cards there ladies! Inspiration abounds in the AMR gallery!
Wow the cards are great. Loved seeing them on your blog...
Way to go girls
I just love the inspiration at AMR! Beautiful cards, tfs.
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